Future Mapping

Given the complexities involved in decarbonising road freight, it is important to assess and map the sequence and schedule of interventions that will yield the lowest cost pathway to decarbonisation.

The future mapping will improve the methodology and update the results from earlier SRF work. The roadmap is underpinned by a means of estimating the extent to which economic and environmental trade-offs and adoption profiles necessary to achieve the necessary GHG reductions are in line with policy targets. Mapping the sector’s progress towards this target ensures that the roadmap remains a living document, involving strategic and tactical measures, new technologies and changes in the way logistics systems are organised.

The mapping exercise will identify and assess emerging research themes and policy interventions, helping in the development of interventions best able to facilitate radical decarbonisation of the UK road freight sector.

The project will help policy makers and commercial organisations to make quicker and earlier decisions by mapping out pathways to radical decarbonisation. By providing a forum for stakeholders, creating and debating the roadmap we will open channels for strategic and tactical debate, leading to consensus and concerted action, driving earlier investment and implementation in the sector.